School of Planning, Public Policy and Management News

From Costa Rica to PPPM, A Q&A with Jove Rousseau

The Master of Public Administration student and UO Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration employee tells his story.

PPPM Professor Researches COVID-19’s Effects on Lifestyle and Transportation

Rebecca Lewis joins two research teams examining how the pandemic shapes consumer and transportation choices.

College of Design Congratulates Seven Faculty on Tenure and Promotion

The UO promoted or granted tenure to 101 faculty members, including seven from the College of Design.

Celebrating Robert Parker—Three Decades of Mentorship and Community Advocacy

The longtime IPRE director will retire in July to focus on COVID-19 economic and community recovery.

PPPM’s Ben Clark Talks to The New Yorker about Oregon COVID-19 Testing

The associate professor explains a study's findings that state testing abilities remain insufficient.

PPPM Instructor Robert Parker Receives Outstanding Research Award

The UO Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation recognizes the IPRE executive director's contributions to transforming communities through research and action.

PPPM's Ben Clark Talks to Associated Press About Essential Industries During COVID-19

The Associate Professor tells the AP that essential activities and industries vary by region.

Arts & Culture in the Time of Corona

A collection of virtual arts and culture experiences and relief efforts.


PPPM's Anne Brown Debunks Myth of 'Scooter Clutter'

The assistant professor, along with Cornell’s Nicholas Klein, researches the culprits of parking congestion in five U.S. cities.

Student Spotlight: The Bicycle Diaries

PPPM undergraduate Finley Heeb wants to change the world through biking and other alternative modes of transportation.

Governor Appoints John Arroyo to State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation

The PPPM Assistant Professor, who specializes in urban design and inequality, will serve in a group reviewing nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. 

National Park Service’s Susan Dolan Named 2020 Lawrence Medalist

The NPS Cultural Landscapes Program manager recieved a Bachelor and Master of Landscape Architecture at the College of Design.

Housing in Eugene is a Severe Cost Burden, Says College of Design Instructor

Kaarin Knudson talks to the Register-Guard about housing prices in Eugene and Lane County.

UO Housing Experts Say the American Era of Single-Family Homes Should Come to an End

PPPM’s Rebecca Lewis and Robert Parker present research showing the environmental and social impacts of suburban sprawl.

Four College of Design Research Teams Make it Rain with Research and Innovation Grants

The interdisciplinary research teams will investigate forest fires and resilience, sustainable transportation, and resilient housing.