Michael Hibbard
Phone: (541) 346-3897
Fax: (541) 346-2040
Email: mhibbard@uoregon.edu
PhD (urban and regional planning), University of California, Los Angeles (1980)
MSW (community development and social planning), San Diego State University (1971)
BS (social science), California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (1968)
Research Interests
Social impacts of economic change, especially natural resource and agricultural development, on small towns, indigenous communities, and rural regions in developed countries.
Sustainable regional development, especially the relationship between metropolitan areas and their rural hinterlands.
Current Research Project
Economic Development Planning for Kake, Alaska – a Tlingit community in southeast Alaska that has historically been dependent on logging, fishing, and subsistence (supported by the Organized Village of Kake, 2005-present)
Recent Professional Involvements
With Hemelata C. Dandekar, co-edited symposium issue of International Planning Studies, 21:3 (2016): Rural issues in urban planning: current trends and reflections.
Taught the course Regional Development Planning at Renmin University of China International Summer School, Beijing (2015 and 2016)
Co-led Oregon Humanities’ Toward One Oregon community conversations with Bruce Weber (Oregon State University) and Ethan Seltzer (Portland State University) in Portland, Newburg, Prineville, Lakeview, Paisley, Christmas Valley, Halfway, Baker City, Ashland, and Medford (2013-15)
Recent Scholarly Publications
Michael Hibbard, Susan Lurie, and Aniko Drlik-Muehleck. 2019. The New Natural Resource Economy: Implementingthe Healthy Environment/Healthy Economy Paradigm in Eastern Oregon. Community Development 50:1.
Michael Hbbard and Suan Lurie. 2018. Bringing Jobs and Dollars to Oregon's John Day Country through Watershed Restoration. Rural Connetions. Utah State University Western Rural Development Center.
Lei Zhang, Rachel M. Tochen, Michael Hibbard, and Zhenghong Tang. 2018. The Role of Local Leaders in Environmental Concerns in Master Plans: An Empirical Study of China’s Eighty Large Municipalities. Journal of Planning Education and Research 38(3): 301-313.
Kathryn Frank and Michael Hibbard. 2017. Rural Planning in the 21stCentury: Context-Appropriate Practices in a Connected World. Journal of Planning Education and Research 37(3): 299-308.
Hemalata C. Dandekar and Michael Hibbard. 2016. Rural issues in urban planning: current trends and reflections. International Planning Studies 21:3.
Kathryn Frank and Michael Hibbard. 2016. Production, consumption, and protection: perspectives from North America on the multifunctional transition in rural planning. International Planning Studies 21:3.
Michael Hibbard. 2016. Development Planning with Cultural Integrity: Self-Determination, Multifunctionality, and the Hybrid Economy in Indian Country. Journal of Planning Research and Education 36:2.
Tiffany H. Morrison, Marcus B. Lane, and Michael Hibbard. 2015. Planning, Governance and Rural Futures in Australia and the USA: Revisiting the Case for Rural Regional Planning. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58:9.
Michael Hibbard, Lauren Senkyer, and Mark Webb. 2015. Multifunctional Rural Regional Development: Evidence from the John Day Watershed in Oregon. Journal of Planning Education and Research 35:1.
Book Chapters
Kathryn Frank and Michael Hibbard. 2019. Production, Consumption, and Protection: The Multifunctional Transition in Rural Planning. In Mark Scott, Menelaos Gkartzios, and Nick Gallent (eds.) Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. Oxford: Routledge.
Michael Hibbard and Susan Lurie. 2017. The New Natural Resource Economy: Environment and Economy in Transitional Rural Communities. In Nick Gallent and Mark Scott (eds.) Rural Planning and Development. Oxford: Routledge.
Michael Hibbard. 2016. Development in Indian Country: Empowerment, Life Space and Transformative Planning. In Haripriya Rangan, Mee Kam Ng, Libby Porter, and Jacquelyn Chase (eds.), Insurgencies and Revolutions: Reflections on John Friedmann’s Contributions to Planning Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge.
Michael Hibbard and Susan Lurie. 2015. The New Natural Resource Economy: A Framework for Rural Community Resilience. In David Danbom (ed.), Bridging the Distance: Common Issues in the Rural West. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Michael Hibbard and Robert Adkins. 2013. Culture and Economy: The Cruel Choice Revisited. In Ryan Walker, David Natcher, and Ted Jolola, (eds.), Reclaiming Indigenous Planning. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Michael Hibbard, Tore Sager, and Robert Freestone (eds). 2013. Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning volume 5. Oxford: Routledge.
Weiping Wu, Dongquan Li, and Michael Hibbard (eds.). 2012. Urbanism and Urban Planning at many Scales: Selections from Recent North American Planning Scholarship. Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press (in Chinese).
Michael Hibbard, Ethan Seltzer, Bruce Weber, and Beth Emshoff (eds.). 2011. Toward One Oregon: Rural-Urban Interdependence and the Evolution of a State. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 2011.
Professional Reports
Michael Hibbard, Sue Lurie, Aniko Drlik-Muehleck, Aiden Forsi, Michael Graham, and Stephanie Nappa. 2017. Supporting Eastern Oregon’s New Natural Resource Economy. University of Oregon Institute for Policy Research and Engagement.
Michael Hibbard, Susan Lurie, and Rodney Bohner. 2017. Middle Fork John Day River Intensively Monitored Watershed Socio-Economic Indicators Follow-Up Study. University of Oregon Institute for a Sustainable Environment.
Michael Hibbard and Robert Adkins. 2016. Continuing Community and Economic Development: Fourth Strategic Economic Development Plan for the People of Kake, Alaska. University of Oregon Institute for a Sustainable Environment.
Michael Hibbard, Susan Lurie, and Tiffany H. Morrison. 2012. Healthy Economies, Healthy Environments: Multifunctionality and the New Natural Resource Economy. Rural Futures Lab Foundation Paper No. 5. University of Missouri Rural Policy Research Institute.
Susan Lurie and Michael Hibbard. 2011. The New Natural Resource Economy. Rural Connections. Utah State University Western Rural Development Center.
Selected Recent Scholarly and Professional Presentations
Michael Hibbard. A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy? Examining the New Natural Resource Economy. Presented at the Santa Clara University Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, January 26, 2018.
Carl Abbott, Ethan Seltzer, Michael Hibbard, and Esther Lev. The Recent Weirdness in Oregon: Planning Perspectives on the Seizure of Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Roundtable presented at the 56th annual conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, November 3-6, 2016.
Kathryn Frank and Michael Hibbard. Planning Through the Rural Lens: Insights for Substantive Planning Theory and Practice. Presented at the 55th annual conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Houston, October 22 – 25, 2015.
Michael Hibbard. Building Indigenous Economic Sovereignty: Development Planning as Applied Anthropology in Kake, Alaska. Presented at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Social Sciences Department, October 13, 2015.
Kathryn Frank and Michael Hibbard. Does Rural Planning Matter Any More? Presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Philadelphia, 30 October-2 November, 2014.
Michael Hibbard. Subsistence and First Foods: Sovereignty, Development Planning, and Natural Resource Management in Indian Country. Presented at the Conference on Engaging Indigenous Economy: Debating Diverse Approaches, Australian National University Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, 4-5 September, 2014.
Michael Hibbard, Tiffany H. Morrison, and Marcus B. Lane. Transitioning Rural Regions to the New Energy and Climate Future: Planning, Governance, and Rural Futures in Australia and USA. Presented at the Joint Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning and Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Dublin, 15-19 July, 2013
Michael Hibbard and Susan Lurie. The New Natural Resource Economy: A Framework for Rural Community Resilience? Presented at Stanford University’s Conference on the Rural West: Toward a Regional Approach to Common Issues Ogden, Utah, October 13-14, 2012
Michael Hibbard and Tiffany Morrison. What is the Future of Rural Planning? A US-Australia Case Study and Future Research Agenda. Presented at the 53rd Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Cincinnati, November 1-4, 2012.
Tiffany H. Morrison, Michael Hibbard, and Marcus B. Lane. ‘Powering up’ the Regional Sustainability Governance Index: Transitioning Regions to the New Energy & Climate Future. Presented at the 10th International Urban Planning & Environment Symposium, Sydney, July 24 – 27, 2012.
Michael Hibbard, Tiffany H. Morrison, and Marcus B. Lane. Transitioning Rural regions to the New Energy and Climate Future: Planning, Governance, and Rural Futures in Australia and USA. Presented at the Joint Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning and Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Dublin, 15-19 July, 2013.
Michael Hibbard. Thinking about Natural Resource Management in Indian Country: Environment, Cultural Compatibility, and Economic Development. Presented at the 3rd World Planning Schools Congress, Perth (WA), 4-8 July 2011.
Tiffany H. Morrison and Michael Hibbard. Regional Planning and the New Natural Resource Economy: A Research Agenda. Presented at the 3rd World Planning Schools Congress, Perth (WA), 4-8 July 2011.
Michael Hibbard. Thinking about the New Natural Resource Economy: Environment, Cultural Compatibility, and Economic Development. Presented at the University of Queensland School of Geography, Planning & Environmental Management, March 30, 2011; also presented at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Department of City and Regional Planning, February 4, 2011.
Michael Hibbard. Exploring the New Natural Resource Economy. Presented at University of New South Wales Sustainable Design and Research Cluster, March 23, 2011.
Michael Hibbard. New Regionalism and the New Natural Resource Economy: Insights from North America and (Possible) Implications for Australia. Presented at the University of Sydney Planning Research Centre, March 22, 2011.