Rebecca Lewis
PhD (urban and regional planning), University of Maryland
College Park (2011)
MPP (environmental policy), University of Maryland
College Park (2008)
BA (political science), University of Kentucky (2006)
Summary of Interests
- Land Use Policy
- Housing Production
- Regional and State Governance
- Transportation Finance
Current Teaching
- Planning for Growth and Housing
- Public Budget Administration
- Introduction to City Planning
See website for current projects and links to publications: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/rebeccalewis/
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Lewis, R. & Clark, B.Y. (2021). Retooling Local Transportation Financing in a New Mobility Future. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Lewis, R & Parker, R. (2021). Exurban growth inside the urban growth boundary? An examination of development in Oregon cities. Growth and Change. 2021; 00: 1-24.
Lewis, R. & Margerum, R. (2020). Do urban centers support regional goals? An assessment of regional planning in Denver. Land Use Policy 99.
Margerum R., Lewis, R., & *Dobrinich, S. (2019) Collaborative metropolitan governance: An evaluation of local adoption in Denver. Cities 93: 136-144
*DiNatale, S., Lewis, R. & Parker, R. (2018). Short-Term Rentals in Small Cities in Oregon: Impacts and Regulations. Land Use Policy 79: 407-423.
Lewis, R., Knaap, G-J. & Sohn, J. (2009). Managing Growth with Priority Funding Areas: A Good Idea Whose Time Has Yet to Come. Journal of the American Planning Association, 75(4): 457–478.
Selected Book Chapters
Clark, B. & Lewis, R. (2018.) Future Transport and City Budgets: Getting Bottom-Line Savvy In An Uncertain Future. In W. Riggs, Toward Just and Sustainable Mobilities: Driverless Cars, Transport Innovation and the City of Tomorrow. Routledge.
Lewis, R. (2013). Delaware’s Quiet Emergence into Innovative State Planning. In G.J. Knaap, A. Carbonell. & Z. Nedovic-Budic (Eds.) Planning for States and Nation-States. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Towe, C., Lewis, R., & Lynch, L. (2013) Using Quasi-experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies: Application to Maryland’s Priority Funding Legislation. In Joshua Duke and Junjie Wu (Eds.) Handbook of Land Economics. Oxford Press.
Knaap, G.J., & Lewis, R. (2011). Metropolitan Planning for Sustainability and the Hegemony of Metropolitan Regionalism. In E. Seltzer & A. Carbonell (Eds.) Regional Planning in America: Practice and Prospect. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Knaap, G-J., & Lewis, R. (2009). Growth Patterns and Trends. In G. K. Ingram, A. Carbonell, Y-H. Hong, & A. Flint (Eds.) Smart Growth Policies: An Evaluation of Programs and Outcomes. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Knaap, G-J., & Lewis, R. (2009). Maryland Case Study. In G. K. Ingram, A. Carbonell, Y-H. Hong, & A. Flint (Eds.) Smart Growth Policies: An Evaluation of Programs and Outcomes. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Selected Professional Reports
Lewis, R. & Parker, R. (2018). The Contribution of Transportation and Land Use to Livability in Oregon MPOs. NITC-RR-1050. Portland, OR: Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC).
Lewis, R., Parker, R., & *Hall, R. (2018). Oregon’s Housing Affordability Crisis: Results of a Statewide Survey of Oregon Cities. Eugene, OR: Institute for Policy Research and Engagement.
Lewis, R, Newburn, D., Zlevor, K., Knaap, G. (2017). Chesapeake Bay Trust: Conservation Land-Use Policy Toolkit. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education: College Park, MD.
Zako, R., & Lewis, R, (2017). Effectiveness of Transportation Funding Mechanisms for Achieving National, State, and Metropolitan Economic, Health, and Other Livability Goals. Portland, OR: National Institute for Transportation and Communities.
Margerum, R., Lewis, R., Bartholomew, K., Parker, R., & Dobrinich, S. (2017) Metropolitan Centers: Evaluating Local Implementation of Regional Plans and Policies. Portland, OR: National Institute for Transportation and Communities.
Parker, R. & Lewis, R. (2016). HB 4079 Analysis: Housing Supply and Demographics. Prepared for: HB 4079 Rulemaking Advisory Committee, Department of Land Conservation & Development. Community Service Center: Eugene, OR.
Lewis, R. & Zako, R. (2016) Assessing State Level Governance around Transportation, Land Use & Climate Change Planning. Portland, OR: National Institute for Transportation and Communities.
Parker, R., Lewis, R, Moore, T. & Kato, K. (2015) Analysis of Land Use Efficiency in Oregon Cities: A Report to the HB 2254 Rulemaking Committee. Prepared for: HB 2254 Rulemaking Advisory Committee, Department of Land Conservation & Development. Community Service Center: Eugene, OR.
Knaap, G-J. & Lewis, R. (2007). State Agency Spending Under Maryland’s Smart Growth Areas Act: Who’s Tracking, Who’s Spending, How Much, and Where? National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education: College Park, MD.